the evil sibborg
the evil sibborg
The text to speech voice pronounces cyborg as sibborg for some reason. 😄
Oh wow. Awesome fan-series. I would love to see more episodes
Thanks! Later it will become even more interesting. I intend to play with genres
if this demon does not apply a limiter to her voice to prevent clipping, i will tell jesus and he's gonna be very mad
where did you come from, where did you go, where did you come from, cotton eye joe
mmm cotton eye joe, hmm still interesing)
Thanks you for rate)
Is that freddy fazbear? er er er-er er er er-er er er,
good but not e rated
you think?
super good interpretation of that clip from the show
thank you so much
finn got out of hand bruh
Absolutely nice. very good animation, good story. Shit gets interesting at the end.
Thanks for watching! I really appreciate it!
The internet has turned me crazy, completely and utterly insane, and I love it.
Age 17, Male
United States
Joined on 3/3/23